Title: To the Beautiful You
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Episodes: 16
Synopsis: The series centers on Goo Jae Hee, a Korean girl who lives in the United States. One day, she sees a track and field competition on TV, and becomes attracted to one of the high jump competitors, Kang Tae Joon. She begins to idolize the young athlete and eventually transfers to Korea to attend the same school that Tae Joon attends after he suffers an accident that could potentially end his career. There is a catch, however: Tae Joon attends an all-boys high school and Jae Hee must disguise herself as a boy to enter. (source: http://wiki.d-addicts.com/To_the_Beautiful_You)
To the Beautiful You, a Korean version of Hana Kimi, made me
so happy to know that two of my idols are in this drama! <3 And I’m talking
about Min Ho of Shinee and Sulli of f(x)! :D It is also where I met my one true
love, Lee Hyun Woo~ (>///<) (If you haven't watched this, be careful of
some spoilers)
Choi Sulli as Goo Jae Hee
Sulli did a good job on her acting that I
almost forgot that she's a Kpop artist. They made the right choice for making
her play the role of Goo Jae Hee. She has such a cute face and looks like a bishounen with her boy-cut hair and boy clothes.
And with all her clumsiness and her being a help-loving person, you'll never
fail to love her.
Min Ho as Kang Tae Joon
As for Min Ho, he doesn't say much in this
drama but his expressions shows what he wants to say. On the first part of the
drama, his face always shows a grumpy expression but on the latter part,
they'll make you melt with his puppy dog eyes and kid-like smile. <3
Lee Hyun Woo as Cha Eun Gyeol
Lee Hyun Woo! My love~ Why don't you just make your own show
with only you in it?! ~(*A*~) I'd be really
satisfied and maybe I'd go to heaven~ .... *zap* Oh. Ohhhhh. I'm sorry. I was
trapped with my own thoughts. Going back to the topic, Lee Hyun Woo would never disappoint you in this drama, but
instead the drama will. He sacrificed almost everything for Jae Hee and he was
one of the last people to know that Jae Hee is a
girl. He also smiles a lot. A lot. (Beware, you
might die)
Told you.
This drama is so interesting to watch
since both the protagonists are Kpop artists. I have no complaints on their
acting because they played their roles very well. However, (yes, I actually
have complains, but not with the actors) the story didn't really satisfy me
that much. I have watched two other versions of this drama, Japanese and Taiwanese
version, so I know which story is much better, and that is the Japanese version
(which isn't surprising since this drama's story originally came from a manga).
If it wasn't for the handsome actors and gorgeous actresses, I wouldn't have
been really happy about the whole drama. Just kidding. Maybe it's just that I'm
sad that Goo Jae Hee didn't end up with Cha Eun Gyeol. Ah, whatever. From the
very start, Eun Gyeol didn't really have a chance anyway. Haha.
In case you want to know what complains I
have, first, what kind of girl who would cross over the seas and enter an
all-boys school just because she wants to see her inspiration/idol? I. Just.
Don't. Get. It. Maybe it’d be more believable if he was her one true love, but
he isn't. Jae Hee only fell in love with him halfway the story. Second, why was
Eun Gyeol one of the last people to know that Jae Hee's a girl?!
On the other versions of the show, Eun Gyeol was the FIRST person to know that. He's my favorite character, so please just
bear with me.
But, it isn't all that bad. (Thanks to the
actors!) But no, really, the story is good; it's just me,
being fussy. There are many scenes which are actually really funny, you'll
be able to catch a glimpse of Seoul and hear some of your favourite Kpop songs. But anyway, these are all just
my opinion and I'm not a critique to say all of this anyway,
so why don't you try watching the drama and tell me your own opinions? :D
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